Animal Superman

Sire Iron Jack (Burrawang 180435)

Dam Burrawang 170165

Prefix/Name WD179 200933 Superman

Birthdate 20/08/2020

Colour White

Conception Natural

No. in Birth 1

Type 5


Animal King Kong

Sire Ape (Burrawang 180469)

Dam Burrawang 170749

Prefix/Name WD179 200083 King Kong 

Birthdate 25/05/2020

Colour White 

Conception Natural 

No. in Birth 2

Type 4

A son of Iron Jack a grandson of Burrawangs foundational sire 101020, Superman sports a high-quality carcass indicated by his masculine head. He is a fast-maturing animal with great overall length particularly rump length.

Burrawang King Kong is an exciting young ram who recorded an EMD of 44mm off the back of a 6-week joining. He has a standout masculine head, accompanied by a thick neck and long deep body. His flank is of great depth with abundant muscling all encompassed in an outstanding structure.